Date: 06/20/2020
State: CA
Issue: Mining
Partner: Friends of the Inyo
Airport Origin : Lone Pine, CA
This pristine roadless area, ranging from 3,800 to 7,700 feet in elevation, lies just outside of Death Valley National Park. This land is part of the traditional homeland of the Timbisha-Shoshone and the Paiute-Shoshone Native Americans and remains important to local tribes today.
Conglomerate Mesa provides rare transitional habitat connecting the Malpais Mesa Wilderness, Inyo Mountains Wilderness and Death Valley. The area is managed with the intention of conservation and recreation, yet it is currently threatened by a mining proposal.
Recently, Canadian exploration company K2 Gold proposed a plan that would execute 120 exploratory drills on Conglomerate Mesa and build a road into the area. This would not only destroy valuable habitat for native plants and wildlife, but it would permanently scar a roadless desert landscape.
Click here to sign a petition to Protect Conglomerate Mesa!